RDM Song Mode

The song mode has been designed to be a practical, fast and handy tool for creating your songs structure.

The song list is located at the left side and the song parts are in the right.


Add New Songs

Tap the last component on the list with the blue + to add songs.

Set the song name, BPM (beats per minute) and soundset for the song.

Edit Songs

Doble tap on the song to edit name, bpm or soundset.

Move Songs

Long press on a song and move to relocate the song position.

Delete Songs

Double tap to edit the song and tap "Delete" button.


Add New Song Parts

Tap the last component on the song part list with the blue + to add parts.

Set the rhythm in the new popup window. The bank list makes easier the search for rhythms. Set the improvising level with the "Jam Intensity" slider, the number of bars and put / quit fill to end the part.

Edit Parts

Doble tap on the song part to edit any parameter.

Move Parts

Long press on a song part and move to relocate the part position.

Delete Parts

Double tap to edit the part and tap "Delete" button.